How to judge an Amazon review

Like many others, when I first started to read reviews; I took them at face value. I dare say: that I don’t anymore. It didn’t take long for me to understand: that even though, “The pen can be mightier than the sword,” “Consider the source;” is a definite deciding factor in the world of reviews…

Fight or Flight?

Fight or flight is your body’s primal instinctive response to danger. It was first studied in 1927 by physiologist Walter Cannon. The body produces adrenal medulla; due to the acute hyper-arousal to the perceived threat. It is said: that this is recognized as the first stage of ‘general adaptation syndrome.’ Which raises the question: Could…

Long live the Arts

Art isn’t always beautiful. Many of you who have blogs are artists of one sort, or another. Blogging becomes and almost is a therapy of sorts, if you will. I began to notice long before I even began my writing career or my amateur photography pursuits, that I felt things much deeper than most. As…

The White Rose

Are you tired of reading novels about perfect Christian women? Are you left feeling inadequate; like you don’t measure up? Then the ‘Rollen Stonz Women’ series is for you. The History of the ‘Rollen Stonz Women’ The ‘Rollen Stonz Women’ series: is about various different women who have grown up in dysfunctional settings. They come…

I am a writer

I have the innate desire to reach inside the very recesses of your soul and twist. I want to grip you with a gut wrenching clenching of my words; that literally makes you feel emotion, down into your very core. I want to shake you awake, out of your day to day existence and make…